was born during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 when thousands of students across the world were falling behind in their schoolwork due to their new distance learning environment. Akshai Srinivasan, then a freshman at Eastlake High School, Sammamish, was a tutor for students struggling to cope with the online curriculum. Akshai realized that math worksheets were very effective in helping the students learn, but were laborious to generate. As a Python programmer, he developed a program to automate the generation of math practice worksheets. Akshai’s efforts were well received by both students and their parents, and he realized that he could help more students in need by making his automated worksheets more accessible. And so was born! With just the click of a button, students could have instant access to an unlimited number of free math worksheets based on a variety of topics covered in their school curriculum, and parents and tutors no longer had to spend hours on end making practice materials for their students. The mathmaestro website, and Akshai’s algorithm to generate unlimited math worksheets received various accolades, including a First Place Award at the Washington State Science and Engineering Fair (WSSEF), and the Wolfram Research Award.

          Flash forward to summer 2022, formally became a non-profit registered with Washington state and received 501(c)(3) tax-exemption status from the IRS.’s mission goes beyond math learning, and is dedicated to using technology to improve the learning opportunities of students across the world. hired an executive team who is dedicated to bringing’s vision to life. Through our nonprofit, students across the world will have better exposure to STEM fields, regardless of their prior background or socioeconomic status, and will be able to succeed in their education.